
Acupuncture is a time-tested, natural medicine that helps decrease pain and restore targeted bodily functions.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture uses tiny, filiform needles on select acupuncture points that are custom selected for each patient. These points have a direct effect on bodily systems including the nervous system, endocrine system, reproductive system, healing cascade, and much more. Think of it like your cell phone- from time to time it needs to be updated and charged in order for it to work the best- your body sometimes needs to be updated or recharged. We will remind your body how to do this, and can apply this to an innumeral amount of conditions with very little side effects! We will custom create protocols which balance the body and manage pain and internal conditions such as anxiety, GI problems, fertility, allergies, fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, and much more.

Even though science is only beginning to grasp the powerful medicine of acupuncture and understand the mechanisms behind it, it has been used successfully for thousands of years to manage pain and balance bodily systems. Acupuncture is becoming more mainstream, and has over 10,000 peer reviewed studies that show it's efficacy and success.

At Allendale Acupuncture and Wellness, Dr. Tasha specializes in the treatment of chronic issues that often do not respond to other therapies. Our patients are often surprised at how relaxing a treatment can be, and what results they are able to achieve with the use of acupuncture. Our office is comfortable and we have tailored our treatments to create a comfortable, healing place for people just like you.

A consultation with Dr Saladin is required to find out if you are a candidate for Acupuncture. If you are determined to be a candidate, we can usually perform your first treatment the same day

Couple walking in the woods

Dan’s Neuropathy Success Story

I received diagnoses of peripheral neuropathy in the bottoms of my feet from two different doctors. The sensation was akin to having Scotch tape on my feet, which was bothersome. However, neither doctor offered any treatment options, simply stating that I had it and leaving it at that. Before discovering this clinic, my balance was off, particularly when walking barefoot. Although I didn't experience pain, the increasing sensations were concerning.

Then, I stumbled upon information about treatments for neuropathy and decided to give it a try. Here's how my life has changed since then. First and foremost, the people at the clinic are amazing; they feel like friends. The treatments, although they took some time to show results, have been surprisingly effective. While I still experience a bit of the initial sensation, I've noticed a significant improvement in the feeling in the soles of my feet.

This has greatly enhanced my balance. Interestingly, the treatments also revitalized nerves in my finger that were damaged during surgery, something I hadn't expected. Additionally, I had been experiencing knee pain for about six months due to an injury, but after starting treatment, the pain vanished, allowing me to walk downstairs comfortably again.

One of the most notable changes has been in my stamina. Through daily walks, I've noticed a remarkable increase in my endurance, which I attribute to the treatments.

My favorite aspect of coming to the clinic is definitely the people—Taylor, Carmen, Tasha, and Jan. They have been absolutely fantastic. Initially, I was apprehensive about the needle treatments, but they have been virtually painless, and the improvements I've experienced over time have made each visit a pleasure.

Relieve Your Pain
Renew Your Life

Common Questions about Acupuncture

Will it hurt?

Acupuncture is quick and painless, and you should be in and out of the office within 30 minutes.

How many treatments will I need?

Unfortunately, this is not a “one size fits all” treatment. The number of treatments you will need vary from person to person, and will be determined off of several factors, such as your specific condition and how long you have had it.

How long will it take?

In general, you should be in and out of our office within 30 minutes.