Peripheral Neuropathy

Get the results you need

The Painful reality of Neuropathy

We find that neuropathy robs the joy from our patients, and they often feel like they have lost a part of themselves. They feel that they can’t live the life they want to, or even how they want to. We hear the same things from all of them- they have seen doctors and specialists, and they aren’t offered much more than sympathy or prescriptions, which don’t end up treating the issue, and even add unwanted side effects.

This is where we come in, almost every patient tells us that we are their last hope, that they have tried everything else, been everywhere, and nothing has helped. We are able to use acupuncture, and cutting edge integrative medical treatments to get our patients the results they need to live again- and that is just what they do, live!

Jack's Story

Can you imagine being diagnosed with a painful, immobilizing condition, and then being told there were no treatment options available? Resigning to a new normal of inactivity and pain?

That was Jack’s story. He was once trapped by peripheral neuropathy. However, today, he is not just living his life, he’s thriving and enjoying life with his loved ones. Jack’s transformation is a testament to the remarkable care he received at Allendale Acupuncture & Wellness.

Jack shares:

“I was once trapped by peripheral neuropathy, told I had to live with the horrible symptoms, and had just about given up hope. Allendale Acupuncture & Wellness helped me live my life again!”

Let us help you with your Peripheral Neuropathy

Woman in black dress

Sarah Says

My feet felt as if they were constantly burning, pins and needles all the time. I felt like I was losing my balance, and was resigned to sitting most of the day.

The diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy was a dooming sentence for me, I was so depressed. My doctors had no solutions for me, aside from Gabapentin, which just masked the pain, and made me tired all of the time.

Dr. Saladin changed my life with acupuncture and ATP therapy. I am now able to enjoy my life, I can be active, I can walk the beach, I can take walks with my husband- none of this would have been possible without her and the incredible staff at Allendale Acupuncture & Wellness.

Many doctors told me there was no solution, but there is, and I am so glad that I found it and am able to live my life again! I am so thankful for them!